心花A man foils an attempted murder, then flees the crew of would-be killers along with their intended target as a woman he's just met tries to find him.
心花A man foils an attempted murder, then flees the crew of would-be killers along with their intended target as a woman he's just met tries to find him.
回复 :Based on a true story of the American Civil War, culminating at the Battle of New Market, May 1864. A group of teenage cadets sheltered from war at the Virginia Military Institute must confront the horrors of an adult world when they are called upon to defend the Shenandoah Valley. Leaving behind their youth, these cadets must decide what they are fighting for.
回复 :陷入轮回地狱中的男人,不得不一遍遍面对自己亲手杀死妻子的事实,如何才能跳出这个噩梦般的循环?加拿大新锐导演梅林·德维塞维克四年磨一剑,推出的此部剧情长片处女作乍一看充满了各种即视感,跳跃循环不断改变过去的桥段媲美《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》等经典作品,然而精心打磨的剧本使得影片层次异常丰富,在复杂的结构之外更有政治隐喻和宗教意味。影片在金马奇幻影展上展映时大获好评,如同西西弗斯一般在轮回中得到救赎的故事,让观众走出影院仍玩味不已。
回复 :一颗充满神秘的异域天珠,引发一连串惊心动魄的尼泊尔生死逃亡;落跑新娘撞怀功夫直男,爱情火花擦亮加德满都的夜空。刚刚出狱的武林高手、假装深情的黑道大哥、满身蛇纹的笨贼杀手、一口河南话的尼泊尔导游、一对夸张搞怪的骗子师徒……各路奇葩怪咖连环登场、奇趣交织,尽展多线索黑色幽默,在尼泊尔异域风情中上演一幕幕跨国追击的欢喜闹剧,爆笑中隐藏感动,惊险中浸润甜蜜,刺激中尽显浪漫。